About the Collective

The Local Earth Collective attempts to find a synergy between both the what and the how in regards to healing our social and environmental relationships. The what involves the creation of art as a more nuanced healing act in itself; the how involves bringing creative storytelling into the sphere of societal structures in more concrete ways. 

Art invites soul and complexity and helps us move beyond polarization. To solve the problems of our world today, we must step outside the very systems that are destructive to see a new way forward. With that refreshed vision, we can begin to shift our communities toward a more relational way of being.

In an effort to mimic the complexities of creation within the natural world, we will work to connect a diverse group of artists working in different mediums to come together in discovering these new pathways. These visual stories and ideas can then be shared directly with lawmakers, teachers, and community leaders, empowering the creative community to actively shape a new living myth.

we build community around art craft and activism

We Share

We engage in living, dynamic art collaborations that build connections with place, community and nature.

We Make

We offer online and in person art and craft workshops that focus on earth-connected practices as well as creative gatherings that help us process and express our individual stories and strengthen communities.

We Advocate

Through our creative offerings and workshops, we create a container for reciprocity by raising money for worthy causes via collaborative art projects and auctions. We also engage our creative community by coordinating with land stewards, animal protectors, and social justice activists.